Monday, February 23, 2015

Introduction to Weather and Climate Questions

1) What warms the planet? - The sun heats the earth through radiation.

2) Referring to this diagram explain why the equatorial regions receive more radiation and therefore are warmer than polar regions. 

The low latitudes near the equator receive large amounts of radiation all year, and at high latitudes near the polar regions, the more oblique angle of the sun's rays together with long periods of darkness in the winter result in a low amount of received radiation.

3) Define Albedo. Which would absorb more radiation a snow covered mountain or a black roof?

Albedo - The proportion of the incident light or radiation that is reflected by a surface, typically that of s planet or moon. A black roof would absorb more radiation because black absorbs every colour except for itself.

4) Explain lapse rate.

The rate at which air temperature falls with increasing altitude.

5) Explain Aspect. In the Northern Hemisphere will plants grow better on the north or the south side facing side of a mountain?

Aspect - The compass direction that a slope faces. South facing slopes receive more sunlight which is much more proficient for plant growth and survival.

6) Why do we have seasons?

The earth is tilted as it makes its yearly journey around the sun.

7) Which heats up faster: Land or Water?

Land heats up faster because the Earth is at a constant temperature.  

8) Describe the impact that being far away from water has on the climate of the prairies.

The temperatures are extreme due to a lack of access to the ocean's buffering. 

9) Explain the impact of the Gulf Stream on Norway.

It influences the climate as it warms the country.

10) What current runs past BC?

Fraser River

11) Describe the impact of adding extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere on the temperatures of Earth.

Extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes the Earth to heat up. This has a negative impact on the Earth as it causes global warming.


The transfer of heat or other atmospheric properties by massive motion within the atmosphere, especially by such motion directed upward.

13) What is wind?

The perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction.

14) Explain urban heat islands, and explain why they occur.

They are metropolitan areas that are significantly warmer than their surrounding rural areas. They happen due to human activities, as urban areas develop, changes occur in their landscape. Buildings, roads, and other infrastructure replace open land and vegetation.

      • 14) Explain urban heat islands, and explain why they occur.

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