Friday, February 13, 2015

4 Spheres of the Environment

                          Cyclone Gonu

a) Cyclone Gonu was the strongest tropical cyclone to ever hit the Arabian Peninsula. It developed from a persistent area of convection in the eastern Arabian Sea on June 1, 2007, and dissipated on June 7, 2007 after creating a landfall in Southern Iran. Gonu dropped heavy rainfall reaching upto 610mm, which caused flooding and heavy damage. The cyclone was considered to be the nation's worst natural disaster as it caused 28 deaths and resulted in $216 million in damage.

b) Lithosphere - Landfall resulted as a cause of the cyclone.
Hydrosphere - Flooding resulted as a cause of the cyclone 
Biosphere - Caused 28 deaths, destroyed homes and forests. 
Atmosphere - Heavy rainfall

c) The atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere are all interacting as the cyclone was created by the atmosphere, which caused heavy rainfall. The hydrosphere became involved as the heavy rainfall caused flooding. The lithosphere became involved as the cyclone caused a landfall, and the biosphere was impacted as the cyclone resulted in 28 deaths, homes and forests destroyed, and $216 million in damage.

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