Thursday, February 19, 2015

5 Themes of Geography Assignment

Part A:
This is a picture of a street address off Google Maps and it represents the theme of location. It represents absolute location as the map indicates the exact street address of the location.

This is a picture of the Western Cordillera and it represents the theme of region. The Western Cordillera is the region in Western North America which covers an extensive area mountain ranges, intermontane basins and plateaus.

This is a picture of a human planting a tree and it represents human/environment interaction. The human is interacting with the environment by planting a tree, creating a positive interaction with the environment.

Part B:

The longitude and latitude of the Burj Al Arab Luxury Hotel in Dubai is 25.1420° N, 55.1861° E.

Place: The Burj Al Arab Luxury Hotel is the world's only seven-star hotel. Standing at 1053 ft, it is the forth tallest hotel in the world. The hotel rests on an artificial island constructed 920 ft offshore, and is attached to the mainland by a private curving connection.

Human/Environment Interaction:
There are several oil rigs in the United Arab Emirates as the UAE produces about 2.9 million barrels of oil per day. The humans are interacting in a negative way with the environment by creating pollution.

In order to get around and perform their duties, the police in Dubai drive luxury and high-performance vehicles.

  1. The United Arab Emirates is located in the oil-rich and strategic Persian Gulf region. It adjoins the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman.

1 comment:

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