Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Energy Assignment Part 1

Nuclear Energy

Pros: Lower carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, low operating costs, large power-generating capacity and nuclear waste can be reduced through waste recycling and reprocessing.

Cons: High construction costs, high-known risks in an accident, unknown risks, long construction time and nuclear energy is a target for terrorist organizations.

Tidal Power

Pros: Renewable (requires no fuel), emission-free, reliable (a plant can last 1000 years), high efficiency and environment impacts are local, not global. 

Cons: Expensive to build, very location specific, locations are remote, captures dirt, waste and pollution near the coast and tidal power impacts fish, marine mammals and birds. 

Solar Energy

Pros: Renewable, abundant, sustainable, environment friendly and it reduces electricity costs.

Cons: Expensive, requires space, intermittent, associated with pollution and solar energy requires exotic materials that are expensive and rare in nature.

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