Thursday, June 11, 2015

Energy Assignment Part 3

#3 Tidal Power

I ranked tidal power at #3 because I see no potential in it being implemented into the UAE. The UAE's economy relies heavily on crude oil so I just don't see them going in that direction. Tidal power relies a lot on location as well, and the location of the UAE does not correspond to work well with tidal power.

#2 Solar Energy

I ranked solar energy at #2 because potential in it being put into place is evident. The UAE plans to implement cleaner, more renewable forms of energy. They plan to start producing power from clean coal and solar energy by 2020.

#3 Nuclear Energy

I ranked nuclear energy at #1 because the UAE government is already working on it. The UAE plans to install nuclear power plants to meet its energy needs. It has signed an agreement with the U.S. on nuclear cooperation, and is also a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Energy Assignment Part 2

The UAE uses natural gas as a main fuel for power generation since they are a large oil exporter. They use the majority of their natural gas reserves to produce crude oil since that is the main source of income to their economy. Despite the income, the UAE's use of natural gas definetly takes its toll on the environment. The UAE was the 4th top carbon dioxide emitter per capita in the world in 2012. Despite being a large oil exporter, the UAE plans to install nuclear power plants to meet its energy needs. It has signed an agreement with the U.S. on nuclear cooperation, and is also a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. The UAE plans to start producing power from clean coal and solar energy by 2020 and from nuclear plants by 2030. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Energy Assignment Part 1

Nuclear Energy

Pros: Lower carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, low operating costs, large power-generating capacity and nuclear waste can be reduced through waste recycling and reprocessing.

Cons: High construction costs, high-known risks in an accident, unknown risks, long construction time and nuclear energy is a target for terrorist organizations.

Tidal Power

Pros: Renewable (requires no fuel), emission-free, reliable (a plant can last 1000 years), high efficiency and environment impacts are local, not global. 

Cons: Expensive to build, very location specific, locations are remote, captures dirt, waste and pollution near the coast and tidal power impacts fish, marine mammals and birds. 

Solar Energy

Pros: Renewable, abundant, sustainable, environment friendly and it reduces electricity costs.

Cons: Expensive, requires space, intermittent, associated with pollution and solar energy requires exotic materials that are expensive and rare in nature.