Monday, May 11, 2015


1) Aquaculture - farming of aquatic organism such as fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants.

2) Social

Pros: Aquaculture can create jobs within the community, can increase scientific knowledge and technology and can help feed a growing population.

Cons: Aquaculture can create conflict with other users of bodies of water such as fishermen, can threaten the livelihood of fishermen and can amplify and transfer diseases or parasites.


Pros: Aquaculture can place more emphasis on protecting coastal waters from pollution and it may reduce fishing pressure on certain wild stocks.

Cons: Aquaculture can amplify and transfer disease and parasites to wild fish populations, can polute water systems with excess nutrients, and can compromise the aesthetic beauty of the coastline. 


Pros: Aquaculture can increase revenue on city, state and national level, can reduce seafood trade deficit and can encourage local trade. 

Cons: There aren't any significant economical cons associated with aquaculture.

3) In my opinion, aquaculture is a bad thing. Yes it can create huge amounts on profit but people fail to look at the negative impacts that come along with Aquaculture. It has a huge negative impact on the biosphere. It destroys the habitats of aquatic organisms and it also pollutes the water. It also has negative impacts on humans as is threatens the livelihood of fishermen. This has led aquaculture to create a huge conflict between them and fishermen. The way I see it, the only positive impact that comes along with aquaculture is its economical impacts. Although, I don't think the huge profit is worth destroying habitats and polluting the water for.

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