Monday, March 23, 2015

Waste Management

1) Dubai disposes of waste through landfills. 
2) Dubai is running out of room to dump it's garbage. One of Dubai's 2 landfill sites is full will soon be closed. The other one will reach its capacity in less than 7 years, and they are yet to decide where to allocate a new landfill site. The biggest challenge they face is changing people's attitude and mentality towards it. People have to understand that a city cannot rely solely on landfills to manage its waste. Every Dubai resident sends 2.8 kg of waste to landfills every day, and many people don't think about where their garbage goes after it leaves their homes. As long as somebody collects it, they don't care.

3) There are a few ways in which Dubai could improve their waste management strategies. First, they could put more effort into implementing recycling. They should hand out recycling bins to every household and just in general have more recycling bins lying around. Another thing they could also do is start an environment campaign. This campaign could help raise awareness of waste management, encourage the people to recycle and care more about the issue. 

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